January 10

What You Should Know About Child Support in Nevada in 2023

Calculating child support

The Nevada statute provides a formula for calculating child support. The calculations consider the amount of income each parent has and how much time the child spends with each parent.

Calculations can be complicated because of the number and complexity of the children involved. The most important measure is to determine the share of the child’s expenses each parent will pay. This could include tutoring, medical costs, or daycare.

Nevada child support laws are very strict. A noncustodial parent must provide for the child’s needs. For instance, if the noncustodial parent has a child 20% of the year, they will have to spend money on housing, food, and clothing.

Nevada’s new child support rules went into effect on February 1, 2020. These new guidelines are intended to simplify the complex web of laws that govern support payments.

Modifying existing agreements

If your income has changed significantly, you may be able to modify child support in Nevada. The new formula allows for the modification of payment amounts for almost everyone. However, it is important to understand how it works before making a modification plan.

Nevada’s old child support system was a flat amount calculated according to a formula but has been modified by a new, tied-to-income scale. The support obligation will be adjusted if a parent’s income increases by 20 percent.

A three-year review can also be used to modify support orders. The court will then evaluate the obligor’s monthly income and determine whether the support order should be changed.

A court must first determine if there has been a significant change in the circumstances before a modification can be made. A change could be due to an increase or decrease in income or a change of living arrangements. These changes could include the birth of another baby, a loss in employment, a long-term disease, or emergency expenses.

Penalties for not paying child support

Nevada’s child support laws can be severe if you fail to pay. Parents who fail to pay child support can face administrative and criminal penalties and financial penalties.

A person who intentionally does not pay child support in Nevada can face up to five years in prison. The amount of arrears will determine the penalties. The first offense is a misdemeanor if the amount is less than $10,000. The second offense is considered a felony.

First-time offenders may be required to pay a fine of up to $1,000. For the second or subsequent violation, they can be sentenced to up to six months in jail or $10,000 in fines.

Child Support Attorney in Nevada

Whether you’re looking to set up a new child support agreement or modify an existing one, Richard P. Davies is here to help. Give him a call at (775) 360-6894 to schedule your free consultation.


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