When it comes to child support, we all have an idea of what it entails. But did you know that it can also impact your taxes? Is child support considered as taxable income? Can you deduct child support payments on taxes? What about credits? If you’re a parent in Nevada paying or receiving child support or going through a divorce, read on to learn more about the tax implications of child support payments.
First and foremost, it’s essential to understand that child support is not considered taxable income for the recipient. It’s a payment to help ensure the children’s needs are met and should not be used to calculate taxable income. However, the paying parent cannot deduct child support payments on their tax returns.
While child support is not taxable income, it is essential to note that alimony is. The difference between child support and alimony is that alimony aims to help a former spouse maintain their lifestyle after a divorce or separation. With alimony, the receiving spouse will pay taxes on it, and the paying spouse can claim it as a tax deduction.
Another significant impact of child support payments is the potential for tax credits. The parent who claims the child as a dependent can usually claim the child tax credit. However, if the other parent is the one who pays for over half of the child’s expenses, they may claim the credit as well. Discuss this with your family law lawyer to prevent any legal issues in doing so.
Additionally, if the child is under the age of 13, parents who pay for daycare expenses can qualify for the child and dependent care credit. The credit can be up to 35% of the daycare costs, which can be a sizeable relief for many parents.
Child support modifications can also affect taxes. Generally speaking, any modifications that occur within the tax year will not impact the taxes until the following year. However, if you aren’t on top of this, you may underpay or overpay taxes, which could lead to additional penalties or interest.
Child support payments have significant tax implications that both paying and receiving parents should be aware of. In Nevada, child support payments are non-deductible from the paying parent’s income and non-taxable to the receiving parent. However, there are tax breaks that either party can take advantage of, such as claiming a child as a dependent and deducting alimony payments from taxable income. It’s essential to understand these rules and keep accurate records of all payments made or received to reap the tax benefits of child support payments. The experienced legal team at Richard P. Davies is ready to assist you should you have any questions about the tax implications of child support payments or alimony. Call us today at (775) 360-6894.