Child support is a legal obligation in Nevada under NAC 425. The purpose of child support is to ensure that children receive financial support from both parents to cover their basic needs such as food, clothing, housing, education, and medical expenses. In Nevada, child support is calculated based on the income of both parents and the number of children involved. The calculation takes into account various factors such as the cost of living in the state, the income of each parent, and any other special circumstances that may impact the child’s needs.
Calculating Child Support in Nevada
The first step in calculating child support is to determine the combined gross income of both parents. This includes all forms of income, such as wages, salary, bonuses, and investment income. The next step is to apply the relevant guidelines, which usually take into account the number of children involved and the amount of time each parent spends with the children. The resulting amount is the estimated amount of support that should be paid.
In some cases, the court may deviate from the guidelines if there are special circumstances that warrant it. For example, if one parent has a high income, the court may require them to pay a higher amount of support. Alternatively, if one parent has a lower income, the court may lower the amount of support they are required to pay.
In addition to the basic child support calculation, the court may also order additional expenses such as medical insurance, educational expenses, and extracurricular activities. These additional expenses are typically divided between the parents based on their income and the time they spend with the children.
It is typically ordered by the court to ensure that the child’s financial needs are met in the absence of one parent.
In Nevada, child support payments are typically made until the child reaches the age of 18 or until they complete high school, whichever is later. If the child has a physical or mental disability, the court may order support to continue past the age of 18.
It is important to note that both parents have a legal obligation to support their children. Child support is typically paid by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent and is meant to help offset the costs of raising the child. In some cases, the court may order joint custody, in which case both parents are responsible for providing support.
If a parent’s circumstances change, such as a job loss or an increase in income, they may request a modification of the child support order. The court will review the request and determine if a modification is necessary based on the best interests of the child and the financial situation of both parents.
NAC 425 governs child support in Nevada and sets forth the rules and regulations for calculating and enforcing child support payments. Child support is an essential tool to ensure that children receive the financial support they need to thrive, and it’s essential for parents to understand their obligations and comply with their court-ordered support obligations.
Whether you’re looking to set up a new child support agreement or modify an existing one, Richard P. Davies is here to help. Give him a call at (775) 360-6894 to schedule your free consultation.