March 2

5 Common Misconceptions About Nevada Child Support in 2023

In Nevada, child support is a legal responsibility that begins upon birth and continues for as long as a parent has a relationship with the minor child. This includes any costs related to care and maintenance, such as housing, transportation, food, health insurance premiums, and childcare services.

Once the child reaches adulthood, child support obligations can be adjusted as necessary or agreed upon by both parties. If you have any queries about your current order, Richard Davies, an experienced Las Vegas family law attorney, can provide assistance.

The Nevada Child Support Guidelines Calculator can be utilized to estimate your child support obligations. When computing a figure for you, it considers the number of children, their ages, and your household income.

In Nevada, child support obligations are determined by parents’ income and physical custody orders. Depending on the specific circumstance, child support could be a percentage of one or both parents’ earnings.

Typically, the higher-earning parent pays the majority of child support. While this can make sense in certain circumstances, it should also be remembered that nonresident parents may also have income, making them liable for paying child support.

When calculating child support payments, judges consider both parents’ gross incomes and how many children there are. Then, after dividing these figures according to a formula, they allocate each parent’s portion according to what is established as child support.

Here are the top five most common misconceptions about Nevada child support, along with an explanation of why they are not accurate:

“I can avoid paying child support if I don’t have a job.”

This is not true. Even unemployed, you may still be ordered to pay child support. The court will look at your earning potential and ability to pay based on your previous work history and education level.

“If I share custody with my ex, I don’t have to pay child support.”

This is only sometimes true. Child support is calculated based on the income of both parents and the amount of time each parent spends with the child. Therefore, if one parent earns significantly more or has a higher percentage of parenting time, they may still be ordered to pay child support.

“Child support payments can only be used for basic needs like food and clothing.”

This is not true. Child support payments can be used for various expenses related to the child’s well-being, including housing, healthcare, and education.

“I can stop paying child support if my ex is not allowing me to see my child.”

This is not true. Child support and visitation are separate issues; one cannot be withheld because of the other. If you believe your visitation rights are being violated, you should seek legal recourse through the court system.

“I don’t have to pay child support if my ex remarries or has another child.”

This is not true. Child support obligations are based on the child‘s needs and both parents’ income. The remarriage or new child of the custodial parent does not change the non-custodial parent’s obligation to pay child support.

Child support laws and guidelines can be complicated. Richard P. Davies and his team are here to help in Reno, Sparks, and Northern, Nevada. Call (775) 360-6894 today to schedule your free consultation with an expert attorney.


child custody, child support, child support in nevada, nevada

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